Safety in Action

We take responsibility for our own safety and for those around us
We recognize and correct potential hazards
We follow protocols and procedures
We speak up and stop work if safety is compromised. 

What We Value

JSC Astanagaz KMG knows that to be truly successful, we must take personal responsibility for the safety of ourselves and those around us, both at work and at home. Because of the nature of our work, we surround ourselves and the environment in layers of defense. We wear proper protection, perform safety assessments and continually improve protocol and procedures.

Integrity in Action

We act with honesty and fairness
We treat all with dignity and respect
We deal ethically in all transactions
We speak up to ensure right behavior. 

Integrity is a pillar upon which the JSC Astanagaz KMG name stands, and it is important that we always do the right thing, even when no one is looking. We treat others the way we want to be treated – with honesty, fairness, dignity and respect – and we expect the same in return. We deal ethically in all transactions, because our lasting and most beneficial relationships are built on trust, which comes from doing the right thing with our fellow employees, customers and stakeholders.


We have to be honest with each other, with our customers and with our partners. We’ll always apply the highest standards of business conduct, anywhere in the world.


We’re in business to help society reduce carbon emissions; let’s be proud of that and make sure that all our activities work towards our goal.


We’ll deliver quality, whether manufacturing to the highest standards, doing good science or being professional in the way we run our business.