JSC Astanagaz KMG is a holding company with the main activity of exploration, production and refining of oil commodities, natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons.

The business model of the company's development is based on the principle of vertical integration in order to ensure high business sustainability and efficiency.

The main business segments include:

Exploration and production
Oil and gas refining
Trading and Supplies 

The value of oil processing volume at JSC Astanagaz KMG makes about 55 million tons of crude oil annually. Refinery product slate includes motor gasolines and diesel fuel of Euro-5 standard, jet fuel, a wide range of oils, bitumen, Sunflower and Fertilizer products, base oil, LPG and fuel oil.

Unique complex of JSC Astanagaz KMG process units allows currently to produce diesel fuel and motor gasolines of the highest quality in compliance with Euro-5 standard requirements.

JSC Astanagaz KMG is a leader in the oil exploration and production industry. Today, the company is actively engaged in exploration and production activities in numerous areas around the world.

At JSC Astanagaz KMG, 20,000 liters of crude pass through the crude oil distillation unit every minute in the first step of the production chain. The crude oil is heated and distilled in the tall columns of the crude distiller to

The fact that oil production on the planet is about to reach a peak has been talked about for many years. And in light of this, inventory comes first when assessing the company's prospects and value, rather than financial indicators. The largest international concerns are provided with reserves at the current level of production for 15 years. According to our estimates, the reserves of the holding company JSC Astanagaz KMG amount to reserves of at least 18-year threshold.

The Company maintains a high level of corporate responsibility by ensuring compliance with the highest standards and requirements in the course of works’ performance and minimization of environmental impact. While following the main industrial safety principles and standards, we cooperate with all the interested parties.

Energy Products and Services

Based on innovation, efficiency, and respect, we create value in a sustainable way for the progress of society. At JSC Astanagaz KMG, we produce and transform the energy you need.


We apply the most cutting-edge technology to obtain the best solutions in the energy industry.

Comprehensive Company

We are present through the entire value chain and market, a wide range of products worldwide.


We have launched more than 50 digital initiatives to improve efficiency and safety and optimize resources.